Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Learning how to learn

My goal is to learn how to learn. Interesting huh? Well, in my homeschool journey with my daughter that's what i am learning. Learning how to teach a child how to learn. Some are hard, but there are days when I can see the brain working and that "click" happens!

Where an idea, becomes a concept then the concept because a reality, then BOOM! learning happens :)

Ohh soo satisfying. Feel so accomplished, although in reality it is my daughter that did the great accomplishment. But, like any good mommy we celebrate our kids' victories.

Summer time, for us at the Montenegro Household is not so summery. We still have class in the morning at home, with devotionals at times. Of course, when we get a chance to go somewhere we go.

But I have found that this maintains what they learned, and it keeps them usual to the routine. Especially for my oldest (my siZZler), it keeps her in a routine, so it's not so hard to get her back on it when we are in "real" school as she says.

Here a few website I use, for great worksheets for most K-12 (for FREE):

HomeSchool Math

TLS Books

and other websites that just helped all around:

Bible Stories for Kids


Thursday, June 6, 2013

Myths & Misunderstandings of AD/HD

What people say about me or mines has rarely affected me. I've always been one to be able to march at the beat of my own drum and live happily doing so.

One of the many things I did was respect every one's opinion on anything, trying to not criticize or judge on the way.  BUT! when someone decides to have a strong opinion on something, that sometimes they don't know much about.

I believe to have such a strong opinion on a certain topic then you must educate yourself to be able to rebuttal and defend your point of view with credibility, and at the same time having an open mind to explore the other side (& become educated on it as well).

For the many that say "I don't believe in AD/HD", "AD/HD is just an excuse" ... ETC!

Here is a great article by Phillis Anne Teeter Ellison, Ph.D. called
from CHADD's Attention! Magazine

A blurb from the article: 

"Public perceptions of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are replete with myths, misconceptions and misinformation about the nature, course and treatment of the disorder. Popular misconceptions assert that ADHD is not a disorder or at minimum, is a benign one that is over-diagnosed. Critics often claim that children are needlessly medicated by parents who have not properly managed their unruly, unmotivated or underachieving children, or who are looking for an academic advantage (e.g., testing or classroom accommodations) in competitive, high-stakes educational environments. Some suggest that "a growing intolerance of childhood playfulness may in fact be leading to more and more children being labeled with ADHD" (Panksepp, 1998, p. 91). Critics rarely present evidence-based arguments and frequently allege that professionals are harming otherwise normal children by diagnosing and treating ADHD."

 I am a Christian mother of two (soon to be 3 in September), and I will admit that at first I was led by the news and little snip-its I read here and there about it. Never did I take the time, as I've had to do to now, to be able to really understand what it really is. 

That there are people in this world that misuse the name? I'm sure of it. They misuse the name of God as well!! I'm not surprised at it. But before you make up your mind as to how you feel about it please click on the link above and read on, so you may start to open up your mind.

If you are a Christian (saved, accepted your savior, etc.), than at one time you looked at christianity and had your opinions on it. Until, someone came to you and brought the Word to you in such a way that the truth was revealed and you were convicted in such a way that you gave your life to Jesus.

I'm not asking for people to give their lives to the research of what AD/HD really is, just want for once when I try to explain how my daughter's brain works, I don't get the "I don't think that's a real thing", or "I think we all have a little bit of that". 

It's not only inattention, it is so much more. I'm not asking for pity (far from it). Just understanding.

Knowledge is power, take advantage of it while you have the opportunity to get it.

Need more info, please visit:

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Help for Homeschooling Mommas!! (& Daddies!)

When I find something good, I MUST SHARE!! I found a website with awesome curriculums!

This week they have Customized College Funding Program for Pre K- 7th grade.

This is recommended by Dave Ramsey. It's a great all around information on Scholarships that your child can start applying as young as a Pre-K!

Click here and see all of their deals for a educational things!

Sharing :: Homeschool Story

This is a great motivative blog piece. I thought I should share, because it has great advice! From Heidi St. John's Blog

The Real Homeschool Story
Posted on May 10, 2013 by Heidi 

If only I knew how this story was going to end….
Then I think I could do this, I agonized while snuggling into my husband one night.
And it’s not even that I minded the hard work, the sacrifice, and the challenge of homeschooling so much. It’s more the thought of doing all this…for nothing…that got to me. What if it didn’t amount to anything? Or, worse, what if I wasn’t doing it right?
Yes, it was the possibility of this turning out to be more of a fantasy than a Real Life story that discouraged and made me want to give up. I was really counting on a happy ending for this one.
I know. Kinda silly. But that’s how my mind works sometimes (especially when I’m overtired). I want to rush ahead and find out where we’re going with all this….
I want to know the end of the story. 
Yet that’s not how it works with homeschooling. You only get to go through one chapter at a time. One child at a time. And on some days? One word at a time.
But take heart, you might not get to peek at the ending, but I’m confident it’s going to be a very good story and certainly one worth writing. And one worth reading someday too.

Hoping to Write a Real Homeschool Story?
1.  Don’t be discouraged by a day. It’s only one day. And such days do not determine the entire tale. Just turn that page and keep going.  As Anne of Green Gables says, “Isn’t it nice to think that tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it yet?” Lovely thought. Tomorrow is a fresh piece of paper on which to write something totally new.
2.  It’s a story about a relationship – not a method. Truly. It doesn’t matter what curriculum you use or what subjects you cover. While it might not be how it’s presented out there, that’s the inside scoop. What matters is their hearts. That terrific (or lousy) math curriculum will never have the significant impact on their lives that a loving, learning, teaching parent will. You are what they really need.
3.  Don’t read over someone else’s shoulder. Their story is not your story. That family over there might look accomplished and successful. And that’s great for them.  But you are on your own unique adventure. Look to the Lord what for what He intends for your family. He’s got something in mind specially suited to you.
4.  Review Your Main Theme. Remind yourself why you’re doing what you’re doing. “Where there is no vision, the people perish” (Prov. 29:18). So if you feel like you’re “perishing”? Go back to the beginning. Why you started this story in the first place. It might be just what you need to tackle that next chapter.
5. The Lord wants to reveal Himself through your story. Above all. We sometimes forget that this isn’t actually all about us. Or even our children. It’s about the Author and what He’s doing in us and through us.
You only have to let Him shine. Yep. Let Him shine through your weaknesses, your set-backs, and even your mistakes. And isn’t it reassuring to realize that this whole thing doesn’t depend on us, but on Him who is more than able?
So I guess we know how this story is going to end after all.
Because we know Him.
And He’s the Real Story. 
Author:: Lisa is the happily-ever-after wife of Matt Jacobson, literary agent and author, and together they enjoy raising and home-educating their 8 children. She’s also rather fond of dark chocolate, French press coffee, and deep friendships (though not necessarily in that order).  She encourages women to embrace the rich life of loving relationships and the high calling of being a wife and mother. You can find her sharing her passion for husband, home, and family over at Club31Women and on Facebook.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Seeing Your AD/HD Child Through the Eyes of God

"Moses and John the Baptist are just two of the many people God has used for His purposes whose abilities, behavior or thought processes run against the grain of what is considered 'normal'. It seems obvious from God's Word that He has no problem working with people who are different... in fact, He seems to prefer it!"
-Of Different Minds (Seeing Your AD/HD Child Through the Eyes of God) by Maren Angelotti, M.A.T.

This is a quote from my new favorite book. This particular quote opened up my mind to see that not everyone has to think a like to be able to used by God. Not that I doubted my daughter was going to be used by Him. I pray every night that He uses me to help her along the way. More accurately said that He gives me the wisdom to guide her.

Many want to KNOW the reason for everything that happens to them in their lives. The truth is that if you knew you wouldn't learn from each particular situation.

In this book I am reading now, along with the CHADD Parent to Parent Program, I have come to understand that just because there may be a certain 'disorder' doesn't mean it has to stop there; that you let something like that hinder you, your gift, or your purpose. Things will be difficult but not impossible.

We've all heard: we can do all things through Christ, who strengthens us. Do we really understand what that entails? That all things can be done through Him, not some or a few, or if we have some type of hinderance then it really doesn't count; but ALL.

This is something my daughters and I are not only learning but experiencing. How awesome and great is that!?!

I hope you can take this and catch a breath and say, "it's okay, we can go through this and learn from it, and we will come out of it so much better for it."

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Christian AD/HD ??

I do not embrace the disorder, 
I embrace my daughter
what the world may call  a disorder,
I call it God's perfect plan for her.

Maybe she has to be this "out-of-the-box" thinker
To be able to give the Good News to the world in a way they never thought of.

I have no doubt that she was fearfully and wonderfully made.

When I am told to stop looking so much into it, 
I stop and think, why not? 
Wouldn't you want to get into your child's mind and know 
What they are thinking? How they are thinking?

Sure I can never know exactly how, or what she might be thinking.
But I can help her...
This world wasn't made for thinkers like her.

When you see a side of the box, she's already thinking what's inside it.
When you wonder whether you should take the risk God has impulsed you to do,
she already did it!

Will she fall and scrape herself at times? YES!
Will I be there to tell her it's ok, just learn from this one? YES!

I wish I had that impulsivity when God tells me to do something.
We as "normal" people hesitate many times, 
and miss out on God's blessing because of it.

So I decided to learn more about how the brain works.
Not because I embrace this disorder,
but because I embrace the way my daughter thinks & learn.
And I want to be her #1 FAN that understands her 
and is there to help her when she needs it.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

When in doubt...get EDUCATED!

I'm about to embark in a 7 week course to go through a "Family Training on AD/HD". It's sponsored by CHADD :

It's part of the Parent to Parent program they have. 

I'm actually very excited to be getting some more in depth look at how it works, how to handle it, and just how to learn to navigate the challenges. If anyone is interested please click on link and get oriented.

Remember: when in doubt, get EDUCATED. It's the only way we will be able to get through out any life challenges. To also, be more equipped to help our children.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

JOY - it's the new black!!

Joy is something that is so hard for us to have, or even receive. So many bad things happening in this world, or even in our families. We are continuously worrying about something. When in the word of God, it specifically speaks about worry: "Worrying does not do any good; who here can claim to add even an hour to his life by worrying? - Matthew 6:27

As a mother, in this homeschool journey, and not in it because i'm paranoid of the world (as many like to think so). I am in it , because I know my daughter deserves the best and if it cannot be provided in a way that she can learn it, then why not do it with the help of God. BUT I DIGRESS! 

Joy needs to be part of our daily lives in all moments! seasons! storms! and etcetera! There should be no  reason for a Christian, that has the hope of eternal life in their hearts; to be joyless. So I found one of my favorite pastors Francis Chan speaking a bit about it.

So I hope with that 3 minute and some word can bring up your spirit. Because our families are our first ministry; and it happens to the best of us. We get tired, frustrated and feel like we've done nothing because our child still decides to do whatever they feel like and not what you're trying to instill at times. Alas! don't give up hope, find JOY in your ministry and keep MOVING!!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013


This is for the ones that need to SEE it, to believe it. 

It helped my daughter understand the place and the value.


Hope these help. As always if you need different numbers, let me know!

Friday, May 3, 2013

A little history... MOTIVATES!!!

I know through out history there have been many important and key people in this world that had some type of ADD or Learning Disability. This is a little tidbit of Thomas Edison's biography;

"In 1854, the family moved to Port Huron, Michigan, where Edison attended public school for a total of 12 weeks. A hyperactive child, prone to distraction, he was deemed “difficult” by his teacher. His mother quickly pulled him from school and taught him at home. At age 11, he showed a voracious appetite for knowledge, reading books on a wide range of subjects. In this wide-open curriculum Edison developed a process for self-education and learning independently that would serve him throughout his life."

A quote from a mother of 4, (3 with either ADD or a Learning Differences) sums it my feelings of this great part of history: "As a result of one mother's efforts, the world is a very different place." -of Different Minds Book by Maren Angelotti (

Whatever it may be, that you as a mom are struggling with- You will always be the #1 person to support and love your child. When you step into that role you step into what you were made for. When you are in the role you were meant for, for some reason your world has a reason to be and so do you.

God bless you guys!!! Couldn't hold back on sharing this :)

A little help!!

After much research, with my own daughter :) I have made some worksheets I haven't seen anywhere. I will be posting little by little, if they get too many that I might have put them in a more organized fashion. But for now here is the first one!

You can take it as an example and make your own, with your own numbers. What I find that should be kept the same so it works, is the instructions of circling and underlining and the colors of the boxes. If you want a better copy of it, please email me (

It could also be done with One's and Ten's, and evolve from there.

Like I said as I make more worksheet I will be putting them up.  I haven't seen many things made especially for kids diagnosed with ADD.


Friday, April 26, 2013


The Why?? 

When I decided that homeschooling was the best thing for my child, she way below level academically. She was in her first month of 2nd grade, and reading at 1rst grader that just started (1.1). Meaning a Kindergartner that just graduated. I was amazed that all this time passed by and no one told me that, especially when I was the mom that was always asking the teachers for meetings, to speak about my child's progress and all they could concentrate on was "Gabi, is too social, disrupts class with her constant talking, could you talk to her about not being that way?"

The difference was made when one teacher, early in the year sat with me and finally told me: at what level she was, what was going on, suggested test to be taken to dig further into what was making her be this way.  When it was all said and done, the doctor (after much deliberation and testing) decided that it was a mix of ADD & ADHD.

That was the start of our homeschooling journey. I realized that teachers just have too many children to be able to really give the attention she needed to succeed academically. I wasn't blaming the system, the teachers, or anyone else. I knew that if I wanted the best I needed to take into my hands, and put her in God's.

Who said it would be easy??

We stumbled a lot! I started getting to know her once again, from her thought process to her emotional character. It all made a difference, it all had to go together to be able to make it work. I can't say I completely know her because everyday she shows me more of her, but I can say that I know a lot more than I did.  

I found myself many times, on my knees praying to God to give me divine word because I just didn't know what to do, how to do it, or where to get the answers.  We had our really bad days, then our semi- bad days then I started appreciating the good days, which soon became great, awesome, & amazing days to me because they were so rare.

Throughout this time I kept thinking, am I doing correct by her? Did I make this decision to hastily? Is she really making process or am I so desperate for progress that I'm just seeing it. 

So, what happened next??

6 months have passed by. I decided to take her to get tested, to see at what grade level she was at. I was scared, nervous, but trying to be calm for her because test cause her a lot of anxiety. That morning she cried saying she was tired, she didn't want to go in, she would ask me if anyone would be there to help, and other concerning things for her. Me and my husband prayed for her and just told her to do her best, not to worry if she couldn't figure it out with every thing she knew then it was ok to leave it.

The next day I went in by myself for the results. I sit at the Director of the Learning Center's desk, she brings out these papers, with bar graphs, and numbers. I look at the numbers and don't understand what they mean. When she starts speaking she asks what brought me there, so I told her the story. When I am doing she says: "Wow, well then I have really good news for you Mom."

That is when she starts telling me that my daughter is now at a 2.7 level in reading & vocabulary, that she scored so high she would go in to the higher reading program. My heart jumped with joy, and I wanted to jump with it!! But, I had to hold my composure. After an hour of discussing all the test that were done and the scores, we shook hands and I went on my way. 

On the car ride home I cried and laughed all at once. I was amazed at what God had done for Gabriela. How prayer really was working, that He was giving her and me wisdom, and guidance through out this process. How we were really NOT ALONE in this. The journey continues, but now we are secure in that this was what God wanted for her, and that we're in the right path. 

If you're in a bind, don't know what to do , where to go, or who to ask. Ask God, ask Him that He will guide you to the correct path. You might feel as if you are blindly doing things, but that's just part of the  fun in the journey, at the end you will see all He did for you. 

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Days go and appreciation grows.

Sometimes we get so inundated with daily life, that we believe our life is so difficult and drown in our own cup of water. Well, one good thing the internet has is that if it's used properly it can actually lift someone spirit. That is actually the reason I wanted to write this blog. To try to reach out to people, let them know they are not alone, and that maybe we can help eachother.

Our strength as mothers (or just parents) is amazing at times. We believe to be so weak and incapable, but yet we are actually pretty strong.  I find my strength in God, that I can rely on to guide me through out life.

When our children get sick, this is when we most feel helpless. We wish we could have that touch to take it all away. Sometimes it's so bad that we wish that we had the sickness instead of them so they can find some relief.

I found this video, of a mother singing to her daughter that is in bed with Leukemia. I cried my eyes out, if I was her if  don't know if I would be able to finish the song. But in her weakness she shows her strength and finishes her song.

Please watch, enjoy, and have a blessed week!

Highly Recommended:

Monday, April 15, 2013

Day ???: I lost count- But it has been the best!!

We woke up this morning to a beautiful day, ate breakfast, then I had the usual conversation with my homeschooler. Goes like this:

Mom: "Alright, we have to start school now."

Child: "Awwww, why?"

Mom: "Because you have to learn everyday."

Child: Makes face. "Fine."

But when we started, for some reason she gained interest as we kept going. It became the best Homeschool Day!
This is her version of the Tree with the forbidden fruit, Adam & Eve. And the snake around the tree!

BUT!!! There are days that are not this easy going, they were hard. She fought every step of the way, cried in the middle of transitions from one subject to another. She even got to the point of not moving at all, and just pouting and crying because she just did not want to do it. We got through the classes, but me and her ended up exhausted, then I had to leave to a meeting and she stayed with Daddy at home.

When I get home late, I sit on the couch to rest and I find this:
That's a picture of me and her in a heart.

This gesture just melted my heart and motivated me to keep moving and not give up. I mean she's my daughter I was never going to stop from trying to teach her and find new ways to do it, but on what I considered the worse day God inspired her to give me a glimpse of hope.

That's how our God is. In midst of our worse storm He gives us a glimpse of the eternal hope, mercy & grace that He has for us. Through out this "Homeschool Journey" I'm learning more of her, but also more of how God looks at us, feels for us, and cares for us eternally and unconditionally.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Day 3, 4, & 5: An organized chaos?!?

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday (Today)... Well, progress - yes, we have made some. On daily routines we all get an 'A'! In Homeschool routine maybe a C- ... :)

Life truly does get in the way, attitudes, sleepy heads, & etc! Still haven't figured how push through the simple hiccups of the life and jump into organization. Is there such a thing as organized chaos?

For my homeschooler there are days when she wakes up and is the best student ever, then she has her days where she melts down in every subject and mommy has mental melt down with her! LoL. It's not always predictable nor preventable. She is like Forrest Gump once, "like a box of chocolates, you never know what'cha gonna get!"

Either way I still make it happen, probably not at the exact hour I planned it to be, or to the extent I planned it to be. Is that still considered organized? Maybe I should just call the list "Goals for the Day" and as I go through the list I can check the milestones we accomplished.

Sounds good to me, makes it sound like I accomplished important things. The real deal is that with ADD/ADHD most things planned to be are goals. Because to get "the list" accomplished we do have many hurdles to jump over.  But when it's all done, it's great to see her face when she sees that she went through it and it didn't hurt as much as she thought. I just keep hoping she remembers that feeling the next day.

I hope many things, that one day she will look back and think 'wow! i did that i can do a lot more'. That she notices how intelligent she is and how much potential I see in her. That God's plans for her are great and that's why He made her the way He did. That behind every difficulty there's a great victory if we only perservere through (or above) the big & little hiccups of life.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Day 2: Flexibility is key.

Today the girls did great with their "Morning" list. In which consist of 1. Brushing their teeth, 2. Pick up their beds, 3. Get dressed, 4. Get breakfast.

We did our morning Bible class, as always is an awesome time where they get to do a Q & A about Jesus at the end of it. We ate breakfast after Papa came home from the supermarket. We had one more thing to do, in the must-do list, but we were having so much fun talking on the dinner table the next thing we knew we had to take Leymarie (the youngest goes to Pre-K) to school.

The thing is that the "must-do" was something that could be done later. Flexibility! If I would of interrupted this precious time I probably would of broken up a special memory. We laughed and discussed things as a family, it was one of those Kodak moments we should hold near and dear to our hearts.

So!! What did I learn? Always make room for special moments. Always keep in mind the why you are trying to get organization in your family, to have enough time for peace to have moments that you will remember forever; and will edify, and fortify our little people's mind in our family.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Day 1: Organization Mommy Mission

I heard once that running a household was like running a company. Well I've never ran either. But I thought I give it a try. We made mission statements, rules, regulations, etc! But then there was still chaos. They did work, and continue to do so in some situations (will mention how & what later).

So I actually had to research "How to organize an ADHD Adult?". Yes, hahaha... Well it's not too funny when you start seeing signs and symptoms very similar to what you deal with in daily life. But, either way I know I have a great God, and He will help me.

He did!! I developed a to-do list for everything. I must admit they are list we put up almost everywhere, but I really think they are working (Let me not get ahead of myself).

This is my 1rst day in this and I must admit, it almost calms me to know what I'm going to do throughout the day. On top of being a mother of two (& one on the way), I homeschool my oldest daughter. Why? Because she was diagnosed with ADD/ADHD, her academics were declining fast and I although I believe school is great, they did not have what my daughter needed.

Real Quick on the why I homeschool:

  • It is widely known that ADD/ADHD students do better in an one-on-one basis for learning.
  • Why make her suffer for 8 hours in school where they cannot teach her in a way she's able to optimally learn and then come home and suffer with homework?
  • If I can be her teacher, then why not? who better than me? I care about her and want the best for her and also am able to take my time with her.
There are many more, but for right now those are the only ones I want to touch.

So when I started homeschooling, I was a little lost. But! I found a curriculum we loved for her, BUT! it cost money... ALOT. So I decided for an online curriculum. She loved it, because everything was learned through cartoons. But I wanted more for her and I also wanted to be more involved in the process. So we gathered up the funds (throughout some months), and we got the one we loved! (My Father's World), it was missing two parts, which was Math & Spelling, but they do recommend one and include it in their schedule. 

I use it differently, and add some other things according to my daughter's needs. We love it!

So, in review... I got the curriculum, added what I needed, now i needed a way to teach it. So I had to sit and actually organize myself.
I didn't know how or where to start. Then... I went to one of our Wednesday talks at a friend's house and we spoke about obedience, obedience to God. So, I applied it to being organized. God loves order, so I started listing things we needed to do. I couldn't rely on my 7-year old or my 5-year old to keep up with my schedule, so I had to buckle down and do it. But I forget almost everything I plan in a day, so I wrote it down in the order that I should do it.

I made a schedule for each one of us, except for my husband, his would be "go to work." :)

I reviewed it with the girls before we went to sleep, then set my alarm clock, and went to sleep. Then the next day (today), just started following what it said to do. We followed it with some minor adjustments, we were able to do some things before its time and then had the rest of the day to do whatever we needed to do. WOW! Time!!! I was amazed... it was time without guilt of knowing that I had missed a class with Gabi (my homeschooler). 

Now I just to find what to do with this new found time. Hmmmm....

*Let's hope it continues to work... Look out for the next day*