Wednesday, May 8, 2013

JOY - it's the new black!!

Joy is something that is so hard for us to have, or even receive. So many bad things happening in this world, or even in our families. We are continuously worrying about something. When in the word of God, it specifically speaks about worry: "Worrying does not do any good; who here can claim to add even an hour to his life by worrying? - Matthew 6:27

As a mother, in this homeschool journey, and not in it because i'm paranoid of the world (as many like to think so). I am in it , because I know my daughter deserves the best and if it cannot be provided in a way that she can learn it, then why not do it with the help of God. BUT I DIGRESS! 

Joy needs to be part of our daily lives in all moments! seasons! storms! and etcetera! There should be no  reason for a Christian, that has the hope of eternal life in their hearts; to be joyless. So I found one of my favorite pastors Francis Chan speaking a bit about it.

So I hope with that 3 minute and some word can bring up your spirit. Because our families are our first ministry; and it happens to the best of us. We get tired, frustrated and feel like we've done nothing because our child still decides to do whatever they feel like and not what you're trying to instill at times. Alas! don't give up hope, find JOY in your ministry and keep MOVING!!

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