Thursday, April 4, 2013

Day 1: Organization Mommy Mission

I heard once that running a household was like running a company. Well I've never ran either. But I thought I give it a try. We made mission statements, rules, regulations, etc! But then there was still chaos. They did work, and continue to do so in some situations (will mention how & what later).

So I actually had to research "How to organize an ADHD Adult?". Yes, hahaha... Well it's not too funny when you start seeing signs and symptoms very similar to what you deal with in daily life. But, either way I know I have a great God, and He will help me.

He did!! I developed a to-do list for everything. I must admit they are list we put up almost everywhere, but I really think they are working (Let me not get ahead of myself).

This is my 1rst day in this and I must admit, it almost calms me to know what I'm going to do throughout the day. On top of being a mother of two (& one on the way), I homeschool my oldest daughter. Why? Because she was diagnosed with ADD/ADHD, her academics were declining fast and I although I believe school is great, they did not have what my daughter needed.

Real Quick on the why I homeschool:

  • It is widely known that ADD/ADHD students do better in an one-on-one basis for learning.
  • Why make her suffer for 8 hours in school where they cannot teach her in a way she's able to optimally learn and then come home and suffer with homework?
  • If I can be her teacher, then why not? who better than me? I care about her and want the best for her and also am able to take my time with her.
There are many more, but for right now those are the only ones I want to touch.

So when I started homeschooling, I was a little lost. But! I found a curriculum we loved for her, BUT! it cost money... ALOT. So I decided for an online curriculum. She loved it, because everything was learned through cartoons. But I wanted more for her and I also wanted to be more involved in the process. So we gathered up the funds (throughout some months), and we got the one we loved! (My Father's World), it was missing two parts, which was Math & Spelling, but they do recommend one and include it in their schedule. 

I use it differently, and add some other things according to my daughter's needs. We love it!

So, in review... I got the curriculum, added what I needed, now i needed a way to teach it. So I had to sit and actually organize myself.
I didn't know how or where to start. Then... I went to one of our Wednesday talks at a friend's house and we spoke about obedience, obedience to God. So, I applied it to being organized. God loves order, so I started listing things we needed to do. I couldn't rely on my 7-year old or my 5-year old to keep up with my schedule, so I had to buckle down and do it. But I forget almost everything I plan in a day, so I wrote it down in the order that I should do it.

I made a schedule for each one of us, except for my husband, his would be "go to work." :)

I reviewed it with the girls before we went to sleep, then set my alarm clock, and went to sleep. Then the next day (today), just started following what it said to do. We followed it with some minor adjustments, we were able to do some things before its time and then had the rest of the day to do whatever we needed to do. WOW! Time!!! I was amazed... it was time without guilt of knowing that I had missed a class with Gabi (my homeschooler). 

Now I just to find what to do with this new found time. Hmmmm....

*Let's hope it continues to work... Look out for the next day*

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