Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Day 3, 4, & 5: An organized chaos?!?

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday (Today)... Well, progress - yes, we have made some. On daily routines we all get an 'A'! In Homeschool routine maybe a C- ... :)

Life truly does get in the way, attitudes, sleepy heads, & etc! Still haven't figured how push through the simple hiccups of the life and jump into organization. Is there such a thing as organized chaos?

For my homeschooler there are days when she wakes up and is the best student ever, then she has her days where she melts down in every subject and mommy has mental melt down with her! LoL. It's not always predictable nor preventable. She is like Forrest Gump once, "like a box of chocolates, you never know what'cha gonna get!"

Either way I still make it happen, probably not at the exact hour I planned it to be, or to the extent I planned it to be. Is that still considered organized? Maybe I should just call the list "Goals for the Day" and as I go through the list I can check the milestones we accomplished.

Sounds good to me, makes it sound like I accomplished important things. The real deal is that with ADD/ADHD most things planned to be are goals. Because to get "the list" accomplished we do have many hurdles to jump over.  But when it's all done, it's great to see her face when she sees that she went through it and it didn't hurt as much as she thought. I just keep hoping she remembers that feeling the next day.

I hope many things, that one day she will look back and think 'wow! i did that i can do a lot more'. That she notices how intelligent she is and how much potential I see in her. That God's plans for her are great and that's why He made her the way He did. That behind every difficulty there's a great victory if we only perservere through (or above) the big & little hiccups of life.

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