Thursday, May 23, 2013

Seeing Your AD/HD Child Through the Eyes of God

"Moses and John the Baptist are just two of the many people God has used for His purposes whose abilities, behavior or thought processes run against the grain of what is considered 'normal'. It seems obvious from God's Word that He has no problem working with people who are different... in fact, He seems to prefer it!"
-Of Different Minds (Seeing Your AD/HD Child Through the Eyes of God) by Maren Angelotti, M.A.T.

This is a quote from my new favorite book. This particular quote opened up my mind to see that not everyone has to think a like to be able to used by God. Not that I doubted my daughter was going to be used by Him. I pray every night that He uses me to help her along the way. More accurately said that He gives me the wisdom to guide her.

Many want to KNOW the reason for everything that happens to them in their lives. The truth is that if you knew you wouldn't learn from each particular situation.

In this book I am reading now, along with the CHADD Parent to Parent Program, I have come to understand that just because there may be a certain 'disorder' doesn't mean it has to stop there; that you let something like that hinder you, your gift, or your purpose. Things will be difficult but not impossible.

We've all heard: we can do all things through Christ, who strengthens us. Do we really understand what that entails? That all things can be done through Him, not some or a few, or if we have some type of hinderance then it really doesn't count; but ALL.

This is something my daughters and I are not only learning but experiencing. How awesome and great is that!?!

I hope you can take this and catch a breath and say, "it's okay, we can go through this and learn from it, and we will come out of it so much better for it."

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