Thursday, May 23, 2013

Seeing Your AD/HD Child Through the Eyes of God

"Moses and John the Baptist are just two of the many people God has used for His purposes whose abilities, behavior or thought processes run against the grain of what is considered 'normal'. It seems obvious from God's Word that He has no problem working with people who are different... in fact, He seems to prefer it!"
-Of Different Minds (Seeing Your AD/HD Child Through the Eyes of God) by Maren Angelotti, M.A.T.

This is a quote from my new favorite book. This particular quote opened up my mind to see that not everyone has to think a like to be able to used by God. Not that I doubted my daughter was going to be used by Him. I pray every night that He uses me to help her along the way. More accurately said that He gives me the wisdom to guide her.

Many want to KNOW the reason for everything that happens to them in their lives. The truth is that if you knew you wouldn't learn from each particular situation.

In this book I am reading now, along with the CHADD Parent to Parent Program, I have come to understand that just because there may be a certain 'disorder' doesn't mean it has to stop there; that you let something like that hinder you, your gift, or your purpose. Things will be difficult but not impossible.

We've all heard: we can do all things through Christ, who strengthens us. Do we really understand what that entails? That all things can be done through Him, not some or a few, or if we have some type of hinderance then it really doesn't count; but ALL.

This is something my daughters and I are not only learning but experiencing. How awesome and great is that!?!

I hope you can take this and catch a breath and say, "it's okay, we can go through this and learn from it, and we will come out of it so much better for it."

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Christian AD/HD ??

I do not embrace the disorder, 
I embrace my daughter
what the world may call  a disorder,
I call it God's perfect plan for her.

Maybe she has to be this "out-of-the-box" thinker
To be able to give the Good News to the world in a way they never thought of.

I have no doubt that she was fearfully and wonderfully made.

When I am told to stop looking so much into it, 
I stop and think, why not? 
Wouldn't you want to get into your child's mind and know 
What they are thinking? How they are thinking?

Sure I can never know exactly how, or what she might be thinking.
But I can help her...
This world wasn't made for thinkers like her.

When you see a side of the box, she's already thinking what's inside it.
When you wonder whether you should take the risk God has impulsed you to do,
she already did it!

Will she fall and scrape herself at times? YES!
Will I be there to tell her it's ok, just learn from this one? YES!

I wish I had that impulsivity when God tells me to do something.
We as "normal" people hesitate many times, 
and miss out on God's blessing because of it.

So I decided to learn more about how the brain works.
Not because I embrace this disorder,
but because I embrace the way my daughter thinks & learn.
And I want to be her #1 FAN that understands her 
and is there to help her when she needs it.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

When in doubt...get EDUCATED!

I'm about to embark in a 7 week course to go through a "Family Training on AD/HD". It's sponsored by CHADD :

It's part of the Parent to Parent program they have. 

I'm actually very excited to be getting some more in depth look at how it works, how to handle it, and just how to learn to navigate the challenges. If anyone is interested please click on link and get oriented.

Remember: when in doubt, get EDUCATED. It's the only way we will be able to get through out any life challenges. To also, be more equipped to help our children.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

JOY - it's the new black!!

Joy is something that is so hard for us to have, or even receive. So many bad things happening in this world, or even in our families. We are continuously worrying about something. When in the word of God, it specifically speaks about worry: "Worrying does not do any good; who here can claim to add even an hour to his life by worrying? - Matthew 6:27

As a mother, in this homeschool journey, and not in it because i'm paranoid of the world (as many like to think so). I am in it , because I know my daughter deserves the best and if it cannot be provided in a way that she can learn it, then why not do it with the help of God. BUT I DIGRESS! 

Joy needs to be part of our daily lives in all moments! seasons! storms! and etcetera! There should be no  reason for a Christian, that has the hope of eternal life in their hearts; to be joyless. So I found one of my favorite pastors Francis Chan speaking a bit about it.

So I hope with that 3 minute and some word can bring up your spirit. Because our families are our first ministry; and it happens to the best of us. We get tired, frustrated and feel like we've done nothing because our child still decides to do whatever they feel like and not what you're trying to instill at times. Alas! don't give up hope, find JOY in your ministry and keep MOVING!!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013


This is for the ones that need to SEE it, to believe it. 

It helped my daughter understand the place and the value.


Hope these help. As always if you need different numbers, let me know!

Friday, May 3, 2013

A little history... MOTIVATES!!!

I know through out history there have been many important and key people in this world that had some type of ADD or Learning Disability. This is a little tidbit of Thomas Edison's biography;

"In 1854, the family moved to Port Huron, Michigan, where Edison attended public school for a total of 12 weeks. A hyperactive child, prone to distraction, he was deemed “difficult” by his teacher. His mother quickly pulled him from school and taught him at home. At age 11, he showed a voracious appetite for knowledge, reading books on a wide range of subjects. In this wide-open curriculum Edison developed a process for self-education and learning independently that would serve him throughout his life."

A quote from a mother of 4, (3 with either ADD or a Learning Differences) sums it my feelings of this great part of history: "As a result of one mother's efforts, the world is a very different place." -of Different Minds Book by Maren Angelotti (

Whatever it may be, that you as a mom are struggling with- You will always be the #1 person to support and love your child. When you step into that role you step into what you were made for. When you are in the role you were meant for, for some reason your world has a reason to be and so do you.

God bless you guys!!! Couldn't hold back on sharing this :)

A little help!!

After much research, with my own daughter :) I have made some worksheets I haven't seen anywhere. I will be posting little by little, if they get too many that I might have put them in a more organized fashion. But for now here is the first one!

You can take it as an example and make your own, with your own numbers. What I find that should be kept the same so it works, is the instructions of circling and underlining and the colors of the boxes. If you want a better copy of it, please email me (

It could also be done with One's and Ten's, and evolve from there.

Like I said as I make more worksheet I will be putting them up.  I haven't seen many things made especially for kids diagnosed with ADD.
